As promised here's Part 1 of the Mind One versus Mind Two debate. Basically both represent the dilemma and conflict I face every day, at virtually every juncture.
Mind One is the liberal, pro-freedom, pro-women, pro-globalization, egalitarian humanistic mind. It is the stronger one in this mind war. It has been strengthened by years of training and persuasion. Mind Two is the Indian mind, the conservative, family and society-oriented mind. It is not absolutely anti-women, but certainly a cynic and a traditionalist. It is very weak and fragile, due to years of invasion and erosion perpetrated by Mind One. Nevertheless, the two minds are still at war, even though Mind Two knows it's losing fast.
Mind One: Ahh..what a nice day..Ramadoss is very likely to resign. I feel so happy. No more moral policing in the name of protecting people's health.
Mind Two: Oh really, Mind One? What about the girls billowing smoke at the hookah parlours in Bombay? Isn't it shocking?
Mind One: So? Have you ever noticed the guys there? Or just the girls?
Mind Two: Men are intrinsically, biologically wasted creatures. No use grudging their activities.
Mind One: What an excuse! So it's fine to be imperfect if you're a guy, but girls must live as society wishes?
Mind Two: But smoking is harmful to a woman's reproductive system.
Mind One: And what about men? Does it not harm them too?
Mind Two: But if a woman's reproductive system is damaged, how will she produce children?
Mind One: (Angry) Is that all a woman is supposed to do? Is she born so she can raise children and look after them all her good years?
Mind Two: So how will a society survive? Do you know that Western Europe actually has a negative population growth rate?
Mind One: We don't need any more population in India than we already have. Also this family preservation thing is stupid. Anyway your whole premise is biased and chauvinistic, baseless.
Mind Two: Why? Why?
Mind One: Any philosophy that actively or passively seeks to or promotes subjugation of half the human race, over several centuries, in order to "preserve" society in the way it sees fit, is evil, purely Satanic.
Mind Two: That cannot be helped. An equal society will self-destruct in a short while. Look at the West.
Mind One: Oh do you know the West so well? You've never been there. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others.
Mind Two: It's quite plain that the West is a decaying society. And it's primarily because of this equality rubbish.
Mind One: When will you learn not to point fingers at women for each and every ill of society?
Mind Two: C'mon, it's true.
Mind One: NO IT'S NOT!!! It's just bias, bias, bias. Look at India first. What about our social evils?
Mind Two: Some of them.....are curable....should there...
Mind One: Why only some?
Mind Two: Gender equality...will ruin everything...our religion...our families..
Mind One: That is because you are unwilling to change fundamentally. Yes the present social structure will be uprooted, replaced, and all for the good. But you are not ready for the change.
Mind Two: This is our culture, our tradition. It's comfortable. Don't shake us up so badly.
Mind One: I will. I will do it for my fellow beings. You will have to face it, accept it.
Mind Two: I can't...
Mind One: You will. Slowly, surely, you will.
Mind Two: I'd rather perish.
Mind One: Oh you will, certainly, if you so wish. You are so weak within the brain of this Pranav Joshi.
Mind Two: But I'm really strong elsewhere. In fact in many people I'm the only mind that exists.
Mind One: Oh, I'll fight my way in there. I can.
Mind Two: You can't, never. I'm too strong there.
Mind One: (Sad) Hmmm..I have hope. And you are just a cynic.
Mind Two: I'm a realist.
Mind One: Stop living in the old world for God's sake! Learn to respect women, their choices, their feelings.
Mind Two: All this...leads to erosion of's power and control....but I'm tired now.
Mind One: You would be. You're so weak and you're yelling too. Fine. We'll end it here for today. I have other things to do.
Mind Two: Yes, later. I'll be back with renewed energy.
Mind One: Bye!!! But I won again!
At this point Mind Two is further weakened, exhausted. These debates are what have been killing it slowly.
I go off to office, or for a quick shower. Hope it wasn't boring! I'll publish more of this later if it wasn't.
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